General Bulk Material Loading Information
We have the ability to load most suitable open bed trucks and trailers. The minimum amount we will load is 2/3 cubic yards for all bulk materials. Often the customer is unsure of how much they can load on their vehicle. While we can estimate the volume capacity of your vehicle or trailer, the weight carrying capacity varies widely between manufactures and models. For safety reasons the customer should take this into consideration. We will load vehicles within reason as requested, but we will not be responsible for overloading. Mulches, Chips and Compost weigh less per cubic yard than Soil Blends, Stone, Hard Pak and Gravel.
Pricing and availability of bulk material is subject to change. Call for pricing and availability. We have the equipment to load a variety of vehicles and trucks and someone is available to load every day APRIL – LATE AUGUST.
Bark Mulch
After LABOR DAY PLEASE CALL (603–353-9901) to confirm someone is available to load trucks on SATURDAYS and after October 1st please CALL to SCHEDULE in ADVANCE to be loaded during WEEKDAYS as well as SATURDAYS.
Wood Chips
100% All Natural Pine Chips used under outdoor playground equipment and informal pathways. Now ASTM certified.