Capture the essence of a traditional New England Christmas with our hand-crafted evergreen wreaths, roping, kissing balls and centerpieces made out of the freshest balsam and mixed evergreens.
All of our wreaths are double-faced and are available in 18” to 48” outside diameters , however we do make a limited supply of single-faced wreaths. We can customize your wreath with a bow, cones, faux berries or dried flowers. Roping is available in 6' and 10' lengths, but can be made to specific lengths upon request. We also fill outside containers (large pots, urns, window boxes) with greens, and natural and weather resistant decorations. Just bring in your containers and we can customize them to suit your needs and style.
Centerpieces make excellent gifts for friends and family who cannot have trees but want some fragrant indoor holiday cheer. We put oasis in all of our centerpieces so they can last for as long as you water them. They come in a wide selection of shapes and sizes and can also be customized.
For Do-It-Yourselfers we sell wreath rings, wire, bundles of greens, cones, decorations (glass balls, faux berries and seed pods) and ribbon by the yard and bows. Our selection of ribbon includes traditional classic reds and plaids, as well as glitzy patterns, natural scenes (birds & trees), generic winter scenes, bright geometric designs and a small selection of quirky patterns.
Custom orders are welcome and quantity discounts available. All of our decorations are made by hand, on site and most are made by one person, so please allow adequate notice when placing orders. It is never too early to place an order. Peak demand for decorations is Thanksgiving – December 10th.